What do we think the world knows the UK best for? British history. What do we *want* to be best known for? Green innovation, top science, human rights

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The headline to this post shows an intriguing polling fact from the infographic above (from Raconteur). Britons believe that they are best known in the world for “British history” (43%), “British arts and culture” (27%), and as a great tourist destination (25%). But Britons would like the world to know them best, most of all, for “tackling climate change and protecting the environment” (25%), “scientific and medical innovation (25%), and “protecting human rights and democracy” (23%). The display of “good country” national virtue, and the progressive-environmental-scientific values this involves, is something to aim for.

Other interesting material from the above:

And yet…

Note that the above graphic is a polling of leaders in the public and private sector - somewhat disjunct from the environmental aspirations, even post-Covid, of the citizenry.