In 2017 we hope to set up 4 political laboratories across the UK.

The first in London (May 2017) and second in Devon (June 2017) are in the early stages of design.

Two further labs (August and October) have yet to be confirmed. If you would like us to help you facilitate a laboratory in your local community, write to us at info@thealternative.org.uk with some thoughts on the following questions:

1)    Who are the strong networks in your community? We are keen to go beyond the groups who have always thought about politics to reach those who rarely do. That doesn’t necessarily mean the politically disillusioned – though no-one is excluded! – but people who are active in their own interests and those of the community.

For example, can you identify:

·      those people who think about the ‘I’ - as if the happiness of the community depends on individuals’ well-being? These could be parents, teachers, therapists, health and beauty professionals.. who in your community fits the bill?

·      Those who think about the ‘We’ -  about civic activity. This could be anyone from the local football club to councilors, active citizens, shops and public service professionals, club owners..who?

·      Those who think actively about the ‘World’. These might be environmentalists, religious groups, activists – but also our global citizens with dual nationalities, people who love to travel and explore or Gen Z and Y who, as internet natives, have fewer problems with borders.

(For more on I, We, World, go here)

2)    Who are the creatives in your community? The artists, designers, educators, sportsmen and women, entrepreneurs, technologists, facilitators, mediators? In a sense, everyone is creative – so everyone is welcome. But we especially need those who want to respond to a difficult challenge with a creative practice.

3)    Are there any futurists in your community? This might mean long term planners, foresight practitioners, or those who are very interested in what’s coming down the line in terms of automation or augmentation. It could also be your Generations Y and Z – the young people who are the future and are wired to help it emerge.

Looking forward to hearing from you at  info@thealternative.org.uk!