For those who are overly tough on themselves.. try 40 “strengths-based questions”, to uncover assets and powers (instead of cracks and flaws)

We like this activity from the Neurodiversity Education Academy, as we get ourselves back in the saddle of world-changing. Can we inform and upgrade that private dialogue we have with ourselves, where we mostly outline all our deficits and inadequacies?

Why not try “4o strengths-based questions”, a free digital card deck available from their marketplace, but available here too (file download). There’s also a few selected above for the gallery. As their site blurb puts it:

Questions are powerful ways to uncover our strengths. They can help us in our self-discovery, self-awareness, and our self-advocacy. Asking the right questions piques our curiosity, increases our understanding, and expands our critical thinking skills and our imagination. 

…To be able to notice strengths, you need to get into the habit of using the language of strengths. Moving away from the traditional problem-based or deficit model can be challenging as this is the perspective that we have been brought up with. Our educational system is highly steeped in the "what is wrong with you?" model, and this is easily seen within the workforce as well.

By shifting our mindset from a deficit to a strengths-based approach, we enhance feelings of self-competence, self-esteem, and increase our motivation.

More here.