“Utopian dreaming and rageful dreaming” at Caithness’s People’s Palace of Possibility

This is an event, but we felt it was original and idealistic enough to merit its own blog. The People’s Palace of Possibility (drop in at the Lyth Arts Centre in Caithness, Scotland) is an initiative from one of the most important think-and-do-tanks we know - the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (or CUSP). Here’s their blurb below:

Join us this Summer at Lyth Arts Centre for a unique outdoor experience in the Scottish Highlands.

The Palace of Possibility is an outdoor installation, co-developed by CUSP researcher Dr Malaika Cunningham, which asks how we find energy for change—despite our fear and anger about the future. It is rooted in utopias.

The mystery of the utopias which have gone before, become misplaced, or gone wrong. And in the impulse for escape; for doing something radically different from life as we know it.

The Palace is nomadic and always growing. Right now it has a radio station, a kitchen, a pantry, and an escape hatch. The Palace is added to and animated by people wherever it goes. At Lyth Arts Centre it will host a disobedient choir, utopian illustrations, films, potlucks and ceilidhs.

The palace is open from Thursday to Sunday for 3 weeks from 12pm until 5pm each day—dates listed below;

  • Thursday 27th – Sunday 30th July

  • Thursday 3rd – Sunday 6th August

  • Thursday 10th – Sunday 13th August

Full calendar of events for the PPP can be found here.