Radio Evolve highlights Michel Bauwens on The Cosmolocal Revolution - and Indra Adnan on the Politics of Waking Up

We’re enjoying the patient, intelligent, broad-minded questioning of Thomas Steineger at Radio Evolve. Above is a YouTube embed (from a teeming channel) of his recent discussion with our fellow commoner Michel Bauwens, on a topic dear to our heart (and indeed inspired by Michel’s work), “The Cosmo-Local Revolution and Web3”. Here’s the opening blurb:

The global financial industry and Big Data are working hard to overcome the dramatic civilizational and ecological crises that we witness today. They think that they can control the changes that are coming by developing new institutions that basically run on the old assumptions that created the problems in the first place.

Michel Bauwens is one of the most respected theorists in the emerging field of peer-to-peer (P2P) collaboration and a new economy of global commons. He has a different vision. He likens this critical moment of our history as similar to time when Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century. It is a situation where new technologies can be used for different ends. Rather than being instruments of control in the hands of the few, they also can be used to create a future that cares for the planet, people and a democratic, open society.

He calls it the Cosmo-Local Revolution, a revolution where we focus our production again more on our regions and our local environments but at the same time find new forms of global, decentralized forms of collaborations. This gives us the opportunity to work together beyond the logic of commodity and market.

And below, also interviewed by Thomas, is Alternative Global’s co-initiator Indra Adnan, on her recent book The Politics of Waking Up:

Blurb from YouTube:

What does it mean to “wake up” – to the realities of the climate crisis and social breakdown? How can we respond? In our internet era no-one escapes the global revolution of learning, connecting and mobilising and its entangled consequences. All this demands also a new political response. But our current political system seems to be broken and dysfunctional in many ways.

Indra Adnan, a trained psychotherapist and co-founder of the political platform Aternative UK focuses in her new book The Politics of Waking Up – power and possibility in the fractial age on empowering living communities local and global ones. The can be a third force next to established party politics and global business. Fractal” politics means an emphasis on new patterns of behaviour, new viable prototypes of social progress that can be copied and replicated everywhere.

More from Thomas’s channel here.