Renewable storage of renewable energy is really important. A new report says the UK's potential to store it as hydrogen is huge

We like to catch enthusiasm on Twitter as it arises, and we noticed this one shoot up like a rocket, promoting a new report on green hydrogen storage. GHS is another option for renewably storing renewable energy (as this New Yorker piece explores, with hydro and weighted solutions, as well as this piece from our co-initiator Pat Kane, reporting on new battery tech).

Estimates of how much hydrogen storage capacity we need by 2050:

  • The Climate Change Committee - 20TWh

  • National Grid - 51TWh

& what we have:

  • Estimated potential storage under land & sea in the UK - over 2,600TWh

  • In one major site alone (Rough reservoir) - up to 10TWh

& in terms of green hydrogen production from wind, we're already seeing sites across the UK& tech leaders like ITM Power leading the way.

These sites are in addition to those across the world - all set to share innovation & learning which will help drive cost reduction.

I mean, literally as I wrote this @ScottishPower announced a series of new green hydrogen projects in the Highlands! [see tweet embed below]

The diagram below from the RenewableUK report that Nathan is promoting - very much worth reading - shows what the crucial difference is between “green” hydrogen and “grey” or “blue” hydrogen - the latter two heavily driven by fossil fuels production. Make sure that the hydrogen project you’re focussing on is dealing with the best hydrogen!

See our archive on energy storage systems