Massive majorities in the UK value their community members most to sort out problems (and MPs least). Power to the lowest level is the cry

Some new polling out from the think-tank and localist network New Local showing just how distant from traditional political power (MPs, Westminster) most people feel, at a community level - and how strong their demand is for more resources, assets and control to reach that level.

We welcome these findings. But we wonder - in our promotion of cosmolocalism - if there could be a global set of questions applied to surveys like this. How much do you feel your decisions have planetary consequences? Where in the world are you drawing on for inspiration for your own community power? By what means?

  • New Local commissioned Britain Thinks to conduct this research. 

  • It involved seven 90-minute qualitative focus groups (8 – 24 March 2022) and an eight-question online survey of a nationally representative survey of 2,164 adults (8 – 10 April 2022)