
Alternativet in Denmark are innovative in so many ways as a party - but one of their best ideas (the six values that underpin their daily practice) seems at the same time like one of the oldest ideas ever. Whenever did political parties stop guiding their everyday practices by consciously-held values? Imagine a politics that asked you to maintain these values throughout your behaviour. Very different from what we have now.

We present these core values from the Alternativet site as a starting point - but we intended to set up some UK labs to examine them, see if we can amend (reduce, add or replace) according to conditions here. As ever, we're inspired by, but not determined by, Alternativet's example.


The Alternative: Six Values

Courage. Courage to look problems in the eye. But also courage about the future we share.
Generosity. Everything which can be shared will be shared with anyone interested.
Transparency. Everybody should be able to look over our shoulders. On good days and on bad.
Humility. To the task. To those on whose shoulders we stand. And to those who will follow us.
Humour. Without humour there can be no creativity. Without creativity there can be no good ideas. Without good ideas there can be no creative power. Without creative power there can be no results.
Empathy. Putting yourself in other people’s shoes. Looking at the world from that point of view. And creating win-win solutions for everyone.

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The values are not just there to be brought out on special occasions. The six core values must be constant indicators that are visible in our daily political work – in the way we think, speak and act. From debate, to political initiatives and to the way we campaign.