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“Fractal politics emphasizes new patterns of behaviour, new viable prototypes of social progress, copyable and replicated everywhere"

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More from Indra Adnan’s promotional tour of her new book, The Politics of Waking Up - this broad and intelligent interview with Radio Evolve. Here’s their introduction:

Thomas Steininger dialogues with Indra Adnan: What does it mean to “wake up” – to the realities of the climate crisis and social breakdown? How can we respond? In our internet era no-one escapes the global revolution of learning, connecting and mobilising and its entangled consequences. All this demands also a new political response. But our current political system seems to be broken and dysfunctional in many ways.

Indra Adnan, a trained psychotherapist and co-founder of the political platform The Alternative UK focuses in her new book The Politics of Waking Up: power and possibility in the fractal age on empowering living communities local and global ones. They can be a third force next to established party politics and global business. “Fractal” politics means an emphasis on new patterns of behaviour, new viable prototypes of social progress that can be copied and replicated everywhere.

More here.