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A/UK speaking on Utopia Dispatch - a podcast to reimagine the future and reshape the world

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Delighted to see that Utopia Dispatch has started its new series. It’s a podcast run by Sarah HollidayOllie Levers and George Richardson, who explain themselves this way:

Ever get the feeling that the world could be a little bit better? Fed up with war, poverty, inequality, climate doom, and more? So are we.

Utopia Dispatch is your antidote, taking on the small task of radically reimagining the future of human society, while somehow managing to keep our spirits up at the same time.

We talk to thinkers with ideas that break the mould, and to citizens taking radical action for a better future, to bring you closer to a vision of the future we actually all want, and we might even have a few laughs along the way.

We would really recommend you sample their archive - featuring interviews with Ruth Potts and Darren Webb, Olof Granstrom and Alex Williams.

And in the embed at the top of the post, the latest podcast features both co-initiators of A/UK Indra Adnan and Pat Kane, along with Niels Koldewijn of the Elos Foundation.

We also love the graphic they have created as a thumbnail for the episode - with a very cute rendition of “I - We - World”, full of windturbines and diving boards built by citizens sharing values. Yes please!

Available also on Apple Podcasts.


Help Utopia Dispatch out by responding to their call for contributions to their second series. Here’s what they’re up to:

We will be exploring climate change solutions that have the potential to enhance wider aspects of society. A world in which we solve climate breakdown doesn't need to be seen as a miserable world of sacrifice. It can be one of joy and opportunity.

For this series, we are also keen to go beyond an episode format based purely on interviews and discussion, to incorporate a richer and more diverse array of sounds, voices and content. We're asking artists, comedians, writers, musicians, poets and anyone who enjoys working with audio if they can contribute material to the show. We don't mind if it's poignant or side splitting, but it should aim to put a smile on listeners' faces. A few thoughts we've had for things we would like to include are readings of short cli-fi stories, speculative ecotopian newsreel mashups, improv climate future sketches, or driving solarpunk tunes to inspire change. We are open to all kinds of ideas though, so don't be shy.

If you want to be part of the movement to tell a new story around climate change, and have existing material, an idea for something new that you think might fit the bill, or would like to know more about the themes we plan to cover, please get in touch by no later than the 31st March via email or with the contact page on this website.

More here.