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Why the municipal movements must be internationalist

A report from the city activists from En Comu in Barcelona - on how their methods of citizen participation have inspired, and been echoed by, many throughout the world. Cities (and towns and villages!) are new drivers of change for economic and social justice.

Here's an extract from the piece:

While we’ve been contacted by many organizations, it’s the exchanges we’ve had with other municipalist movements, whether they’re in government or not, which have been the most productive and inspiring. As well as sharing our goals, these movements share our ways of working.

  • They put concrete goals above partisan interests;

  • They focus on doing rather than sterile, theoretical debates;

  • They communicate with everyday, emotional language;

  • They are feminists and are working to feminize politics by prioritizing everyday practices and care work;

  • They build from the bottom up, using collective intelligence.

  • In short, the activists in municipalist movements are both radical and pragmatic; they’re people with whom we want to imagine and build the future.