Danish elections on June 5th: Uffe Elbæk on Alternativet’s demand for a future for our children

Å at Kultorvet in Copenhagen

Å at Kultorvet in Copenhagen

It’s election time again for our sister party Alternativet in Denmark. Throughout this election period Alternativet have been urging the people of Denmark to put the future of our planet - as well as that of our the future generations - first, when voting this coming Wednesday June the 5th.

And they have done so in creative, engaging and humorous ways. If you haven’t yet seen their video of the melting campaign poster shared on our twitter, watch below.

In their most recent campaign video ‘Give the children your vote’ six ‘kid politicians’ take the podium as they share their dreams for the future. Watch below.


Kid Politician 1: My dream for the future? I will fight for higher unemployment benefits.

KP 2: I will flight for better in - te - gra - tion. Is that so difficult to understand?

KP 3: No.

KP 4: I will work to limit immigration.

KP 5: Why? (laughs)

KP 5: I will fight for better health care.

KP 3: I will ensure economic growth and lower taxes.

KP 1: I've thought about that as well.

KP 5: I can see your bum.

KP 6: My dream is to give elders a better old age.

KP 2: Yes!

(Uffe Elbæk enters)

Uffe: Yes, dreams and visions.

That is a human right, no matter what you believe in. It should be for our children and grandchildren as well.

But if we want to assure they HAVE a future - it is necessary that we act on the climate crisis here and now. Let's give the Earth a chance.

Vote greenest for the national election

There is an alternative

Alternativet came onto the political scene only five years ago as a radical green party that wanted to change politics itself. They won 9 seats in the last election and became the fastest growing party in Denmark. In addition they won two mayoral posts, including Copenhagen, in the recent local elections. It is a remarkable testament to their impact that every party now has their own green agenda for the first time.

A/UK associate Maria Dorthea Skov was in Denmark last weekend and had the chance to catch up with party leader Uffe Elbæk as he was out campaigning in the streets of Copenhagen. Here Uffe gives an update on the current ‘election spirit’ both within and outside the party, what it is like to lead alternative politics at this time and why he believes Denmark should declare a climate emergency. Watch below.